Отзывы Aloha Bay, Конические свечи из пальмового воска, без запаха, оранжевый цвет 4 упаковки, 9 дюймов (23 см) каждый
5.68 $506 руб234 грн2817 тг

Отзыв о товаре:
Aloha Bay, Конические свечи из пальмового воска, без запаха, оранжевый цвет 4 упаковки, 9 дюймов (23 см) каждый

29.09.2016 15:27
Отзыв был полезен?
- Pure Vegetable Palm Wax
- 4 Unscented Palm Tapers
- Pure Cotton Wicks
- Burntime: 8-10 Hours
Ecological Advantages of Palm Oil:
- Perennial Trees: no tilling of soil.
- Ancient Crop: GMO free, pest resistant.
- Less Machinery: more rural employment.
- More Oil per Acre: 10 time more than soy.
For our Palm Wax, we only use Palm Oil from sustainable, ecologically responsible tree farms.
100% Palm Wax Tapers do not bend or drip. Unlike most other tapers, made of paraffin (a petroleum product) or beeswax. Palm Wax Tapers will not warp or bend over time. They are also virtually dripless, as long as they are not burning in drafty spot.
Clean Burning:
Palm wax, made from virgin palm oil, burns with a bright flame, minimizing soot emissions.
Reach Compliant, vegetable oil base dyes.
Made in Indonesia - a Fair Trade Product:
Hand made in a small factory in rural Java, where employees enjoy humane working conditions, good wages, free health care and vacation benefits.