Отзывы Charmzone, Гинкго натуральный, очищающая пена для лица, 6,08 жидк. унц. (180 мл)

18.00 $1764 руб755 грн9303 тг

Отзыв о товаре:
Charmzone, Гинкго натуральный, очищающая пена для лица, 6,08 жидк. унц. (180 мл)
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  • The Ginkgo Leaf is Valuable Gift For Your Skin

Ginko Natural Cleansing Foam's rich bubbles contain Ginkgo energy complex and help extracts from Jeju island, completely removing wastes and maintaining moisture for skin.

Ginkgo Energy Complex's Skin Purification The purification effect of Ginko energy complex in the foam is further enhanced to remove pollutants from skin thoroughly.

Jeju Herbs' Soothing Effect Five herb extracts from Jeju island protect the skin from stress with their excellent soothing effect

Moisturizing Cleansing with Mountain Goat Milk Extracts Nutrients in the foam, including mountain goat milk extract and milk protein, keep skin moisturized after cleansing.

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