Отзывы Giovanni, Магнитный реструктурирующий кондиционер, 8,5 жидких унций (250 мл)
7.19 $602 руб298 грн3582 тг
- Категория: Кондиционер
- Производитель: Giovanni
- Оригинальное название: Giovanni, Magnetic Restruxturing Conditioner, 8.5 fl oz (250 ml)
- Артикл: GIO-18005
- Размеры: 19.1 x 6.4 x 3.8 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Giovanni, Магнитный реструктурирующий кондиционер, 8,5 жидких унций (250 мл)

21.08.2018 11:27
Отзыв был полезен?
- Magnetic Hair Care
- Magnetically Charged Hair Care for Naturally Beautiful Hair
- E = - B
- The Energy of Physical Change
- MDL: 8
MDL: Magnetic Density Level - 8.
The higher the number the greater the magnetic therapy
The energy of nature and science combine to achieve physical change within damaged hair. How? Magnetite! This polarizing mineral infuses positive energy while repelling negative charges to create strand-by-strand conditioning. Proteins fill in ravaged hair to smooth and soothe. Moisture-rich micro-magnets build strength. Energy is restored. Ravaged becomes ravishing. Healthy hair rules. This is the positron effect of Restruxturing Conditioner.