Отзывы Hampstead Tea, Лаванда и валериана, органический травяной чай, 20 пакетиков, 0,71 унции (20 г)
4.00 $357 руб165 грн1984 тг
- Категория: Травяной чай
- Производитель: Hampstead Tea
- Оригинальное название: Hampstead Tea, Lavender & Valerian, Organic Herbal Infusion, 20 Sachets, 0.71 oz (20 g)
- Артикл: HAT-00112
- Размеры: 14.2 x 7.9 x 6.9 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Hampstead Tea, Лаванда и валериана, органический травяной чай, 20 пакетиков, 0,71 унции (20 г)

19.09.2018 03:39
Отзыв был полезен?
- Meditate your Spirit
- Organic Herbal Infusion
- USDA Organic
Hampstead Tea London
At Hampstead Tea our pledge is to support the growing of the finest Biodynamic Organic Teas which resolves around the dual notions of great taste and peace of mind. The Tea is farmed intuitively, responsibly and in tune with nature, always nurturing the purity of the source. This guaranteed by our organic certification.
Lavender & Valerian - Organic Herbal Infusion
Meditating your inner spirit is something we should all do from time to time and so lovingly we have combined aromatic Lavender flowers and Valerian root to help you find the way.