Отзывы Hyland's, NuAge, № 10 Nat Phos (фосфат натрия), 125 таблеток
4.54 $405 руб187 грн2252 тг
- Категория: Гомеопатические препараты
- Производитель: Hyland's
- Оригинальное название: Hyland's, NuAge, No 10 Nat Phos, Sodium Phosphate, 125 Tablets
- Артикл: HYL-64368
- Размеры: 2.8 x 7.9 x 10.4 cm

- Homeopathic Tissue Remedy
- For Temporary Symptomatic Relief of Acidity, Diarrhea, & Headaches
A deficiency of Nat Phos often causes stiffness & swelling in the tissues around the joints.
This remedy often relieves diarrhea, vomiting, occasional sleeplessness, and fever due to acid conditions of the stomach. General acidity, digestive upsets, and heartburn along with rheumatism and back pain are indications for the remedy Nat Phos. Symptoms are generally worse with exertion and better with rest.
Acidity: gastric disturbances, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, twinges of rheumatism, headaches, and a persistent feeling of tiredness-all symptoms of acidity. Diarrhea of teething children with sour smelling, greenish stools. Headaches on the crown of the head on awakening and sick headaches with acid symptoms, especially after wine or milk, are symptoms of Nat Phos.