Отзывы Hyland's, NuAge, № 11 Nat Sulph (сульфат натрия), 125 таблеток
4.32 $364 руб180 грн2172 тг
- Категория: Натрия сульфат
- Производитель: Hyland's
- Оригинальное название: Hyland's, NuAge, No 11 Nat Sulph, Sodium Sulphate, 125 Tablets
- Артикл: HYL-64408
- Размеры: 2.8 x 7.6 x 10.4 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Hyland's, NuAge, № 11 Nat Sulph (сульфат натрия), 125 таблеток

10.09.2018 01:20
Отзыв был полезен?
- Homeopathic Tissue Remedy
- For the Temporary Symptomatic Relief of: Constipation, Flatulence, & Headaches
Nat Sulph is effective in eliminating excess water. It is the principal remedy in influenza.
Tiredness from humidity and rheumatism are other indications for Nat Sulph. Symptoms are worse with humidity and better with pressure and dry weather.
Constipation and Flatulence: Accumulation and difficult emission of flatulence with pinching in the abdomen. Headaches are one of the most common place of human ailments. Migraines and sick headaches with nausea and a bitter taste in the mouth that are worse in damp warm weather can be relieved with Nat Sulph.
Серная Натрий 6X HPUS в основе лактозы NF.