Отзывы Hyland's, NuAge, № 5 Kali Mur (хлорид калия), 125 таблеток
4.54 $405 руб187 грн2252 тг
- Категория: Гомеопатические препараты
- Производитель: Hyland's
- Оригинальное название: Hyland's, NuAge, No 5 Kali Mur Potassium Chloride, 125 Tablets
- Артикл: HYL-52248
- Размеры: 2.8 x 7.9 x 10.7 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Hyland's, NuAge, № 5 Kali Mur (хлорид калия), 125 таблеток

23.03.2014 06:37
Отзыв был полезен?
- Homeopathic Tissue Remedy
- For Temporary Symptomatic Relief of Coughs, Eye Irritation, & Skin Ailments
Kali Mur is the remedy for relief of symptoms of sluggish conditions & symptoms affect the mucous membranes with thick, whit discharges: coughs, colds, sore throats, and catarrh. Symptoms may be worse with motion and after eating fatty or rich foods.
Coughs: Children's coughs with a white coated tongue and white phlegm can be relieved with the tissue remedy Kali Mur. Eyes: Eye irritation with whitish discharge. Skin Ailments: Acne and other eruptions on skin, with vesicles containing thick, white contents are indications for Kali Mur.