Отзывы Hyland's, NuAge, Ткань J против простуды, 125 таблеток
4.54 $405 руб187 грн2252 тг
- Категория: Гомеопатические препараты
- Производитель: Hyland's
- Оригинальное название: Hyland's, NuAge, Tissue J Colds, 125 Tablets
- Артикл: HYL-09108
- Размеры: 2.8 x 7.9 x 10.4 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Hyland's, NuAge, Ткань J против простуды, 125 таблеток

28.08.2014 01:57
Отзыв был полезен?
- Homeopathic Tissue Remedy
- For the Symptomatic Relief of the Symptoms of the Common Cold
This remedy is a natural combination of homeopathic biochemic tissue salts useful in the relief of general cold symptoms, stuffy or runny nose, and acute cough.
Ferrum Phos, Kali Mur and Nat Mur in combination, are useful in alleviating cold symptoms. Sneezing, feverishness, stuffiness, congestion, chilliness, running nose and a general discomfort are all indications for the tissue remedies included in the combination remedy Tissue J for colds.
Tissue J contains the following: Ferrum Phos for the relief of symptoms in the early stages of a cold. Kali Mur for the relief of symptoms of stuffy colds. Nat Mur for the relief of symptoms of stuffy nose and fever.