Отзывы Life Extension, Смешанные таблетки с экстра ниацином, 240 таблеток
55.50 $4947 руб2291 грн27525 тг
- Категория: Смеси зелени и суперпродуктов
- Производитель: Life Extension
- Оригинальное название: Life Extension, Mix Tablets with Extra Niacin, 240 Tablets
- Артикл: LEX-22572
- Размеры: 17 x 8.9 x 8.9 cm

- State-of-the-Art Multi-Nutrient Formula
- Dietary Supplement
Studies show that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables enjoy healthier and longer lives, but getting the recommended five servings a day is difficult for even the healthiest diets. That's why we created Life Extension Mix, a daily supplement that provides all the high-potency vitamins and minerals needed to form the cornerstone of a comprehensive health maintenance program. Our unrivaled formula saves time and money by combining the most important nutrients including unique vegetable, fruit, and botanical extracts into one product, eliminating the need to take dozens of separate supplements. For true full-spectrum nutrition, try Life Extension Mix the most complete multi-nutrient formula on the market!
Benefits at a Glance
- Provides a full spectrum of essential nutrients needed for whole-body health
- Promotes cellular DNA function
- Maintains already-normal glycemic control
- Helps regulate the oxidation of LDL
Why we need a multi-nutrient supplement
You hear it almost every day from government health agencies and private organizations: Americans need to eat more fruits and vegetables in order to live longer.
However, despite constant media publicity, the majority of Americans do not ingest enough fruits and vegetables each day. In fact, a John Hopkins study found that only 28% and 32% of American adults met the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines for fruit and vegetable intake respectively.
Fortunately, Life Extension Mix is here to help. This state-of-the-art multi-nutrient formula is jam-packed with the purest and most potent forms of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and unique vegetable, fruit, and botanical extracts. In every daily dose of Life Extension Mix, you'll get an extensive array of nutrients, including:
Found in dark red fruits, delphinidins are potent anthocyanin compounds that activate the production of nitric oxide, enabling vascular relaxation and supporting healthy blood pressure. They can also help to ease inflammatory factors and glycation, stimulate the immune system, and maintain healthy blood sugar levels within normal range, which helps to control metabolic balance. With Life Extension Mix, you get the same amount of delphinidins found in 3 cups of raspberries or 5 cups of dried plums.
In addition to its already broad spectrum of botanical extracts, our formula also contains trans-pterostilbene a compound found naturally in blueberries and grapes that has been shown to have beneficial anti-aging effects on gene expression and to promote healthy cognitive function. According to Dr. Agnes Rimando, a leading expert in the biology of stilbenes, "Stilbenes have diverse pharmacological activities which include enhanced insulin sensitivity and increased lifespan.
Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate
Glycation occurs when sugars react with your body's proteins and lipids, forming non-functioning cross-linked structures called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs). While glycation is a normal consequence of aging, it is far from desirable. In addition, the effect of glycation can be seen outwardly in the form of cross-linked proteins in normal aging skin.
To combat these effects, each daily dose of Life Extension Mix provides 100 mg of the expensive pyridoxal 5'-phosphate a metabolically active B6 that has been shown to protect against glycation reactions.
Standardized pomegranate extract
Published studies show that pomegranate helps maintain healthy cardiovascular function and healthy DNA structure in prostate cells. Our pomegranate extract is standardized to provide the biologically active punicalagins that are so unique to this fruit. These punicalagins are 100% water-soluble, have a remarkable 95% absorption rate, and are highly potent at inhibiting free radicals. That means that they not only absorb much better than other natural antioxidants, but they also have a superior antioxidant capacity.
A daily dose of Life Extension Mix provides the punicalagins and other polyphenols found in up to 2.6 ounces of pomegranate juice.
Blueberry extracts
The potent natural antioxidants blueberry anthocyanins have demonstrated properties that extend well beyond inhibiting free radicals, while blueberry's active constituent (pterostilbene) promotes healthy lipid and glucose levels for those already within normal range. Even more exciting is that these blueberry constituents (pterostilbene and anthocyanins) may help protect DNA structure. Life Extension Mix features the wild blueberry extract that provides the most active constituents found in this health-promoting fruit.
Standardized green tea extract
In recent years, a multitude of positive studies have been published about the health benefits of green tea. The active "polyphenol" constituents of green tea have been found to possess remarkable biological activities that include inhibiting LDL oxidation and neuronal peroxidation, while maintaining healthy DNA structure.
Life Extension Mix's daily dose contains 325 mg of a decaffeinated green tea extract that is standardized to provide 98% of the active polyphenols that scientists attribute to green tea's multiple health benefits. That's equivalent to drinking about one and a half cups of green tea per day. What's more, green tea powdered extracts have been shown to absorb 60% to 90% better into the bloodstream compared with drinking green tea itself.
Standardized vegetable extracts
Most multivitamin supplements provide no vegetable extracts at all, but Life Extension Mix offers a wide array of them, including 8 mg of luteolin, a flavonoid found in parsley, basil, celery, and other foods. Luteolin has been shown to provide DNA protection from oxidative damage and to inhibit excess levels of cytokines such as interleukin-4 and interleukin.
Broccoli contains several active constituents, with sulforaphane being the most significant because of its unique detoxification and DNA-protecting effects. Our formula features a concentrated broccoli mixture with standardized extracts of sulforaphane and glucosinolates, compounds attributed to broccoli's multiple protective benefits, as well as gene-protecting chlorophyll.
A daily dose also provides 200 mg of calcium D-glucarate (supplying 175 mg of D-glucarate), a phytonutrient found in grapefruit, apples, oranges, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. D-glucarate effectively supports a detoxification process that helps to remove DNA toxins from the body.
Life Extension Mix also contains 60 times more lutein and 10 times more lycopene than popular one-per-day vitamins. Lutein, an extract found in corn and in leafy greens such as kale and spinach, has been shown to help maintain critical pigments in the eye macula,-while lycopene from tomatoes helps to maintain DNA structure and protect against LDL oxidation.
Standardized fruit extracts
In addition to our standardized pomegranate and wild blueberry extracts, Life Extension Mix also features fruit extracts such as bilberry, grape seed, and citrus bioflavonoids to provide healthy circulation throughout the body and maintain healthy DNA.
Our unique formula is fortified with tart cherry for its antioxidant benefits for heart health as well as muscle and joint function. It also includes a customized blend of blackberry, cranberry, plum, elderberry, persimmon, cherry, and other fruits that studies indicate provide multiple favorable effects on the body.
Numerous studies have pointed toward the many benefits of olive polyphenols, and Life Extension Mix contains an olive extract standardized to provide polyphenols like hydroxytyrosol that have been shown to protect against LDL oxidation, suppress free radicals, and stabilize cell membranes.
Sesame seed lignan extract
Sesame and its lignans have a broad range of applications in human health, including increasing human tissue levels of gamma tocopherol, enhancing the beneficial effects of fish oils, and helping to maintain already-normal cholesterol/LDL levels in humans. Life Extension Mix provides 10 mg of a sesame lignan extract to supply the direct benefits of the lignans and to augment the effects of vitamin E and other nutrients in the body such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).
Nutrients to maintain healthy blood glucose levels
Chromium, magnesium, and biotin are necessary to maintain healthy blood sugar for those already within normal range. In addition to highly absorbable forms of magnesium and a super high-potency biotin, Life Extension Mix contains 500 mcg of Crominex 3+, a highly stable, biologically active cutting-edge chromium complex. Studies on the benefits of chromium supplementation show that doses exceeding 200 mcg a day are required for optimal effects.
High-potency vitamin D3
Researchers today are concerned that many people are not supplementing with enough vitamin D, a critical nutrient for maintaining bone density and healthy cell division. In fact, a review in the New England Journal of Medicine suggested that recommended intakes for vitamin D are inadequate and need to be increased to at least 800 IU of vitamin D3 per day. Currently, most experts in the field believe that intakes of between 1,000 and 10,000 IU for adults will lead to a more healthy level of serum 25(OH)D, at approximately 50-80 ng/ml.
Each daily dose of Life Extension Mix provides 2,000 IU of vitamin D3. What's more, this formula contains only 500 IU of preformed vitamin A. Preformed (not beta-carotene) vitamin A may interfere with the benefits of vitamin D, yet most multivitamins contain between 5,000 and 25,000 IU of preformed vitamin A.
Cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G)
Life Extension Mix contains 1.25 mg of C3G to support eye health. Found in blackberries and black currants, this powerful antioxidant has been shown to regenerate rhodopsin a compound that absorbs light in the retina and enhance night vision. In one study, just 50 mg of a berry extract concentrate containing C3G helped aging individuals see better in the darkness after 30 minutes.
Bioavailable C3G enhances other functions in the body as well, and its potent antioxidant properties protect tissues and support endothelial cell health.
5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate)
Folate helps maintain homocysteine levels within the normal range. One dose of our formula contains 400 mcg of the bioactive 5-MTHF form of folate, which is up to 7 times more bioavailable than ordinary folic acid.
Selenium and Apigenin
Life Extension Mix now contains three potent forms of selenium (SelenoExcell, Se-methyl-selenocysteine, and sodium selenite). Also included is apigenin, a powerful bioflavonoid found in many vegetables and fruits which boosts cell protection.
Why choose Life Extension Mix for your multi-nutrient supplement?
The ingredients in Life Extension Mix are based on over 35 years of clinical research, and we've selected the purest and most potent forms of plant extracts, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for maximum absorption. We mandate that the ingredients in the Life Extension Mix come only from premium-quality suppliers. These premium companies charge more for their vitamins and trace elements, but the purity of these substances greatly exceeds that of the lower cost generic versions that are so prevalent in the vitamin industry.
Most multivitamin formulas only pay lip service to the ideas of full-spectrum nutrition, but Life Extension Mix is different. Discover the extensive benefits of Life Extension Mix the only multi-nutrient formula you'll ever need!
Дополнительные факты | ||
Размер порции: 8 таблеток | ||
Порций в упаковке: 30 | ||
Количество на порцию: | % Дневная стоимость | |
Витамин А (в виде бета-каротина, ацетата) (5000 МЕ) | 1500 мкг ^ | 167% |
Витамин С (как аскорбат кальция, аскорбиновая кислота, аскорбилпальмитат, аскорбат магния, аскорбат ниацинамида, экстракт ацеролы) | 1000 мг | 1111% |
Витамин D3 (как холекальциферол) (2000 МЕ) | 50 мкг | 250% |
Витамин Е (как D-альфа-токоферилсукцинат, D-альфа-токоферол) | 67 мг | 447% |
Тиамин (витамин B1) (в виде тиамина HCl) | 125 мг | 10417% |
Рибофлавин (витамин B2) (как рибофлавин, рибофлавин 5'-phosphate) | 50 мг | 3846% |
Ниацин (как 60% ниацинамид, 39% ниацина, 1% ниацинамид аскорбата) | 862 мг; | 5388% |
Витамин B6 [в качестве пиридоксального 5'-фосфата (100 мг), пиридоксина HCl (5 мг) | 105 мг | 6176% |
Фолат (в виде кальциевой соли L-5-метилтетрагидрофолата) | 400 мкг | 100% |
Витамин B12 (как метилкобаламин) | 600 мкг | 25000% |
биотин | 3000 мкг | 10000% |
Пантотеновая кислота (как пантотенат D-кальция с 5 мг пантетина) | 600 мг | 12000% |
Кальций (в виде фосфата дикальция, аскорбата кальция, пантотената D-кальция, Ca D-глюкарата) | 500 мг | 38% |
Йод (в виде иодида калия) | 150 мкг | 100% |
Магний (в виде оксида магния, цитрата, аргината, глицината, таурината, аскорбата) | 420 мг | 100% |
Цинк (цитрат цинка, моно-L-метионинсульфат цинка L-OptiZinc) | 35 мг | 318% |
Селен [в качестве селенита натрия, высокоселективные дрожжи SelenoExcell, Se-метил-L-селеноцистеин] | 200 мкг | 364% |
Медь (как TRAACS медь бисглицинат хелат) | 1 мг | 111% |
Марганец (как цитрат марганца, глюконат) | 1 мг | 43% |
Хром [в виде хрома Crominex 3+, стабилизированного экстрактом Capros amla (фрукты), PrimaVie Shilajit] | 500 мкг | 1429% |
Молибден (в качестве хелата аминокислот молибдена) | 125 мкг | 278% |
Калий (в виде цитрата калия) | 35 мг | <1% |
Смесь брокколи-концентрата [порошок брокколи, экстракт [росток, цветен, семена) (обеспечивающий глюкозинолаты, сульфорафан), D-глюкарат кальция) | 725 мг | ** |
N-ацетил-L-цистеин (NAC) | 600 мг | ** |
Экстракт неочищенного зеленого чая (лист) [ст. до 45% эпигаллокатехингидрата (EGCG)] | 325 мг | ** |
Экстракт Acerola 4: 1 (ягода) | 300 мг | ** |
инозит | 250 мг | ** |
Горькие оранжевые цитрусовые биофлавоноиды (кожура, фрукты) [ст. до 50% гесперидина] | 200 мг | ** |
Фруктовая / ягодная запатентованная смесь [европейские старики, ежевики, черника, черешня, клюква, слива, хурма (Diospyros kaki)] | 200 мг | ** |
Таурин | 200 мг | ** |
Экстракт дикого голубого антоцианина (фрукты) | 150 мг | ** |
Экстракт Sensoril Ashwagandha (корень, лист) [std. до 32% олигосахаридов, 10% гликозидных конъюгатов] | 125 мг | ** |
Силимарин [из экстракта расторопши (семян)] | 100 мг | ** |
Триметилглицин (TMG) (как бестаин безводный) | 100 мг | ** |
CherryPure вишня (терпкая вишня) проантоцианидиновый порошок (кожа) | 85 мг | ** |
POMELLA экстракт граната (фрукты) [std. до 30% punicalagins] | 85 мг | ** |
Природные смешанные токоферолы (содержащие гамма, дельта, альфа, бета-токоферолы) | 60 мг | ** |
MirtoSelect экстракт черники (фрукты) | 30 мг | ** |
Экстракт виноградной лозы BioVin proanthocyanidin (цельный виноград) | 25 мг | ** |
Экстракт экстракта виноградной лозы Leucoselect | 25 мг | ** |
Бромелайн [из ананаса (стебель)] (2400 желатиновых пищеварительных единиц / грамм) | 15 мг | ** |
Лютеин [из экстракта календулы (цветок)] (обеспечивающий транс-зеаксантин 465 мкг) | 15 мг | ** |
Оливковый экстракт (фрукты) (обеспечивающий полифенолы, гидрокситирозол, тирозол, олеуропеин) | 12,5 мг | ** |
Экстракт семян кунжута | 10 мг | ** |
Лютеолин [из апельсинового экстракта (фрукты)] | 8 мг | ** |
Apigenin | 5 мг | ** |
Бор (в качестве хелата аминокислоты бора) | 3 мг | ** |
Ликопин [из натурального томатного экстракта LycoBeads (фрукты)] | 3 мг | ** |
Дельфинидины (из экстракта Delphinol maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis) (фрукты)] | 2 мг | ** |
Cyanidin-3-глюкозид (C3G) [из экстракта черной смородины (фрукты)] | 1,25 мг | ** |
Транс-птеростильбен (от pTeroPure) | 0,5 мг | ** |
**Суточная доза не определена. ^ RAE (эквивалент активности ретинола). DFE (диетический фолатный эквивалент). NE (ниациновый эквивалент). |