Отзывы Life Flo Health, Угольный шампунь, жасмин и ваниль, 14,5 ж. унц. (429 мл)
11.17 $987 руб460 грн5527 тг
- Категория: Шампунь
- Производитель: Life Flo Health
- Оригинальное название: Life Flo Health, Charcoal Shampoo, Jasmine Vanilla, 14.5 fl oz (429 ml)
- Артикл: LFH-95441
- Размеры: 19.3 x 7.6 x 5.1 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Life Flo Health, Угольный шампунь, жасмин и ваниль, 14,5 ж. унц. (429 мл)
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- A Beautiful World Begins With You
- Oily to Normal Hair
- Activated Charcoal Helps Cleanse Away Impurities
- Leaves Hair and Scalp Looking and Feeling Healthy
- Eco-Friendly
- Cruelty-Free
Activated charcoal is an amazingly detoxifying substance that helps cleanse away debris and impurities for clean, healthy hair and scalp that look and feel great. Formulated with Vitamin E, Jojoba Oil, and Aloe Vera to help smooth and soften hair.
No animals were used to test this product.