Отзывы Maximum Human Performance, LLC, Упаковка пудинга для увеличения силы, ванильный крем, 6 банок, 250 г (8,8 унций) каждая

19.66 $1733 руб820 грн9825 тг

Отзыв о товаре:
Maximum Human Performance, LLC, Упаковка пудинга для увеличения силы, ванильный крем, 6 банок, 250 г (8,8 унций) каждая
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2.3Отзывов 6
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пустая трата денег
Очень плохой вкус и тяжесть на животе. Я не рекомендую покупать его.
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ключ ванны
ключ ванны
Отзыв был полезен? 0
Так искусственный вкус
Вкус настолько искусственный, и он настолько тяжелый на моем животе, что не может его завершить, я знаю, что мне делать с остальными, не буду покупать снова
Отзыв был полезен? 0
Для наполнения и gluggy не будет покупать его снова
Отзыв был полезен? 0
Идеальная закуска
Я люблю вкус, и это легко взять с собой. Олово может с пластиковой крышкой делает это так легко. Это походит на три приема пищи в одном, они длятся некоторое время из-за размера. Просто любить Сила Pak Pudding! :)
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количество белка очарования
Тонкий вкус, но я думаю, что это хороший товар, если желаемого количества белка.
Отзыв был полезен? 0
  • 30 Grams Protein
  • High Protein Pudding
  • Only 190 Calories
  • Sugar Free
  • Low Carb
  • Gluten Free
  • Lactose Free
  • Convenient!
  • Ready-To-Eat!
  • Delicious All Natural Vanilla Cream Flavor
  • Superior to Bars!

Delicious, Ready-To-Eat, High Protein Pudding!

Powder Pak Pudding is a delicious, ready-to-eat, high protein pudding that makes eating quality protein both simple and enjoyable. With a whopping 30 grams of superior protein, only 190 calories and no sugar, lactose or gluten, Power Pak Pudding is the ultimate low carb healthy snack.

Don't let the delicious taste fool you! Power Pak Pudding contains as much protein per serving as the leading protein bars, but with nearly half the calories and with no unhealthy trans fats and no gut-wrenching sugar alcohols. Power Pak Pudding packs 30 grams of high quality, easy-to-digest protein into each 8.8 oz. serving with a low 8 grams of carbs and only 4.5 grams of fat.

Ready-to-eat Power Pak Pudding will satisfy your sweet tooth and hunger while providing great nutrition. This delicate on-the-go snack contain the highest quality protein from real milk protein isolate and healthy soy protein isolate. It as is a great source of calcium, with a full 50% of the Daily Value per single serving. Better yet, Power Pak Pudding is completely free from fattening high fructose corn syrup and unhealthy hydrogenated oils.

Power Pak Pudding is a great tasting convenient and nutritious snack and doesn't require any refrigeration or preparation before eating. Just pop off the top and enjoy the rich, smooth taste of real pudding! It's a perfect addition to any low care diet and is great for snacking or as a nourishing, satisfying, high protein delicious, healthy and enjoyable high protein treat.

Skip the Meal and Go Straight to Dessert!

The Ultimate High Protein Snack!

Now, you can enjoy a tasty, satisfying snack without the guilt. MHP's ready-to-eat Power Pak Pudding is a delicious treat that nourishes your muscles for a fit and trim body. It's the ultimate mouth-water indulgence for anyone who's on the go, but want to eat healthy and stay in great shape.

Rich and creamy Power Pak Pudding provides 30 grams of supreme quality protein with no sugar and only 9 grams of carbs. It's a nutritious and delicious way to get the protein you need without the high calories, trans fats and sugar alcohols found in typical high protein snacks bars.

  • 30 Grams Protein
  • Zero Sugar
  • Low Carbs
  • Low In Fat
  • No Trans Fats
  • No Sugar Alcohols
  • Lactose Free
  • 500 mg Calcium

Compare the Nutrition Facts of Power Pak Pudding with your favorite protein bar and you'll see that Power Pak Pudding outperforms the competition in taste, nutrition and quality.

Nutrition Facts Comparison
Power Pak vs. the Leading Protein Bars

Per ServingPower Pak PuddingLeading Protein Bars*
Total Calories190350-400
Protein30 grams30 grams
% of Cals from Protein63%30-34%
Total Fat4.5 grams13-16 grams
Calories from Fat40120-144
Total Carbohydrates8 grams27-34 grams
% of Cals from Carbs17%27-39%
Sugars0 grams6-9 grams
% of Cals from Sugar0%6-10%
Sugar Alcohols0 grams13-27 grams
% of Cals from Sugar Alcohols0%13-31%
In a side-by-side comparison, it's easy to see that MHP's Power Pak Pudding is the superior high protein snack in every nutritional category. Power Pak Pudding is the smart snack choice for a lean, muscular, healthy body!
*Average profile of popular high protein bars.
Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 1 банка (250 г)
Обслуживание в контейнере: 6
Количество на порцию%Дневная стоимость
Калории 190
Калории из жиров 40
Всего жиров 4,5 г 7%
Насыщенный жир 0,5 г 3%
Транс-жиры 0 г
холестерин 10 мг 3%
натрий 460 мг 19%
калий 380 мг 11%
Всего углеводов 8 г 3%
Диетическое волокно 0 г 0%
Sugars 0 г
белка 30 г 60%
Витамин А 0%

Витамин С

кальций 50%
Железо 8%
Процент дневной нормы основан на диете в 2000 калорий.

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