Отзывы Mrs. Meyers Clean Day, Стеклоочиститель, запах лимона и вербены, 24 жидк. унц. (708 мл)
7.99 $673 руб333 грн4018 тг
- Категория: Средства для очистки стёкол
- Производитель: Mrs. Meyers Clean Day
- Оригинальное название: Mrs. Meyers Clean Day, Glass Cleaner, Lemon Verbena Scent, 24 fl oz (708 ml)
- Артикл: MRS-12160
- Размеры: 7.9 x 7.9 x 26.2 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Mrs. Meyers Clean Day, Стеклоочиститель, запах лимона и вербены, 24 жидк. унц. (708 мл)

27.05.2018 22:05
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- Uncomplicated Products for a Clean and Happy Home
- Time to go Shopping
Aromatherapeutic Household Cleaners
Hard-working, naturally derived ingredients and essential oils are tough on dirt, yet gentle on your home & the earth.
Lemon Verbena has a wonderful light, citrus scent that's refreshing, invigorating & is considered to Pick-You-Up. All from an herb.
Household Hint
Wash windows on a cloudy day. The heat from the sun can cause wet windows to dry too quickly which can result in nasty streaking or water spots. Before you dampen window panes, whisk frames with a soft-bristled brush to rid them of cobwebs and loose dirt. If you're lucky and own a nice squeegee, use it, but be sure to dampen it with Glass Cleaner beforehanda dry blade will skip.