Отзывы Nasaline, Squip, Комплект для промывания носа у детей, 1 комплект
12.57 $1111 руб518 грн6220 тг
- Категория: Промывание носа и пазух
- Производитель: Nasaline, Squip
- Оригинальное название: Nasaline, Squip, Junior Nasal Rinsing System Kit, 1 Kit
- Артикл: NSL-00074
- Размеры: 5.3 x 5.3 x 17.8 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Nasaline, Squip, Комплект для промывания носа у детей, 1 комплект

19.07.2012 02:44
Отзыв был полезен?
- For Children Ages 4-12
Helps decongest and drain nasal passages and provides relief from symptoms of...
- Allergies
- Colds
- The Flu
- Sinus Related Infections
Easy alternative to neti pots and sinus rinse bottles!
Box Contains:
- Nasal rinser
- 10 pre-measured saline packets
- Storage sleeve
- Instructions (including kid-friendly step-by-step cartoon manual)
Helps relieve symptoms of allergies, colds, and sinus infections. Decongests and drains nasal passages and washes out dirt, dust, and pollen.
The comfortable and easy method to rinse your nose with saline solution.
Unique delivery system:
- Allows user to control the flow and pressure for optimum comfort and effectiveness.
- Protects against backflow if user slows down or stops during the rinsing process.
- Easy to clean to prevent bacterial buildup.
Patented silicone tip:
- Designed to produce a gentle and effective swirl when the saline solution enters nose.
- Manufactured using medical grade silicone without any harmful plastic manufacturing components.