Отзывы Nature's Gate, Кондиционер с маслом чайного дерева и голубым кипарисом, 12 жидких унций (354 мл)
7.09 $632 руб293 грн3516 тг
- Категория: Кондиционер
- Производитель: Nature's Gate
- Оригинальное название: Nature's Gate, Conditioner, Tea Tree & Blue Cypress, 12 fl oz (354 ml)
- Артикл: NAG-75003
- Размеры: 5.3 x 5.3 x 19.6 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Nature's Gate, Кондиционер с маслом чайного дерева и голубым кипарисом, 12 жидких унций (354 мл)

07.11.2017 02:33
Отзыв был полезен?
- Herbal Blend
- Sulfate Free
- Soothing
- For Dry, Itchy, Flaky Scalp
- Paraben Free
- Support Clean Water for All
- Cruelty Free and Vegan
This lightweight and soothing conditioner features Organic Tea Tree Oil, Lemon Myrtle Oil and Nettle Extract to comfort and nourish dry, itchy scalp. Helps reduce oily build up and dry scalp conditions. Hair is left shiny and more manageable.
Our Certified Organic Extracts are fresh from the field, locally grown in California on land dedicated to growing Nature's Gate botanical essences. At the family owned Organic farm, each plant receives individual care, ensuring the highest purity and quality. The farm's water source is derived from the winter rains and snow pack of the Sierra Nevadas.