Отзывы SAN Nutrition, Формула для поддержки работы печени, 100 вегетарианских капсул
11.95 $1067 руб495 грн5966 тг
- Категория: Препараты для печени
- Производитель: SAN Nutrition
- Оригинальное название: SAN Nutrition, Liver Support Formula, 100 Veggie Caps
- Артикл: SNU-44040
- Размеры: 11.2 x 5.6 x 5.6 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
SAN Nutrition, Формула для поддержки работы печени, 100 вегетарианских капсул
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- Live a Vibrant Life!
- Features Milk Thistle Extract
- Including Dandelion Root Extract
- Plus Artichoke Extract
- 30 Full Dosage Servings
- Dietary Supplement
- GMP Certified - Good Manufactured - GMP Certified Facility
- HPLC & FTIR Tested Quality Approved
The liver is one of the human body's most crucial organs as it processes and disposes nearly every toxin, chemical and contaminant that enters it. In many instances the demand on the liver can increase dramatically depending on alcohol or ammonia intake. As a serious minded athlete you train harder and thus your demands on the liver increase proportionally. At some point, your performance and endurance might hit a plateau. Protect your results and recover with SAN's Liver Support Formula today. This unparalleled formula was specifically designed to support healthy liver performance.
Дополнительные факты | ||
Размер порции: 1 капсула | ||
Порций в упаковке: 100 | ||
Количество на порцию | %Дневная стоимость | |
Экстракт расторопши (Silybum marianum) (до 80% флавоноидов Силимарина) (семена) | 300 мг | ** |
Экстракт корня одуванчика (Taraxacum officinale) (4: 1) | 100 мг | ** |
Экстракт артишока (Cynara scolymus) (Std. To 2% Cynarin) (лист) | 50 мг | ** |
**Суточная доза не определена. |